Title page from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
6 x 4½"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Dedication page from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
9 x 7"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 1 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 2 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 3 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 4 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 5 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 6 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 7 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 8 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 9 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 10 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press with hand-coloring by the artist.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Image 11 from Beulah Land, a bound book of 15 etchings and two pages of letter press.
17¾ x 12"; 19¾ x 13¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Aquatint with hand-coloring; pastedown from the bound book, Log of the Sun Ship.
18¼ x 25¼"; 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Drypoint with roulette; the title page from the bound book, Log of the Sun Ship.
8¾ x 6¾"; 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Drypoint with roulette; the second page from the bound book, Log of the Sun Ship.
13¾ x 19"; 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Drypoint with roulette; the third page from the bound book, Log of the Sun Ship.
14 x 18"; 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Drypoint with roulette; the fourth page from the bound book, Log of the Sun Ship.
13¾ x 19; 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Drypoint with roulette; the fifth page from the bound book, Log of the Sun Ship.
9 x 7"; 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Aquatint with hand-coloring; pastedown from the bound book, Log of the Sun Ship.
18¼ x 25¼"; 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.