Aquatint with drypoint and hard ground etching; from 41 Etchings Drypoints.
11 x 8½"; 17¾ x 14¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.
$5,500 Unavailable

Drypoint; from 41 Etchings Drypoints.
8 x 9½"; 17¾ x 14¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Drypoint with hard ground etching; from 41 Etchings Drypoints.
7¾ x 6¼"; 17¾ x 14¾". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Aquatint from Delights, a book of seventeen etchings.
5 x 5"; 12¾ x 11". 100.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Etching from Delights, a book of seventeen etchings.
4 x 4"; 12¾ x 11". 100.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Hard ground etching from Delights, a book of seventeen etchings.
5 x 6¾"; 12¾ x 11". 100.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.

Hard ground etching.
7½ x 9"; 14½ x 15". 25.
Crown Point Press and Ianne Kjorlie.
$4,000 InquireInquire

Hard ground etching.
7½ x 9"; 14¼ x 15". 25.
Crown Point Press and Ianne Kjorlie.
$4,000 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Hard ground etching.
8 x 7"; 14¾ x 13". 25.
Crown Point Press and Ianne Kjorlie.
$4,000 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Hard ground etching.
4¼ x 5"; 11¼ x 11¼". 25.
Crown Point Press and Ianne Kjorlie.
$3,500 InquireInquire

17 x 34¼"; 29 x 41". 35.
Crown Point Press and Stephen Thomas.
$10,000 fair market value Unavailable

Photoetching with aquatint.
29 x 21"; 35 x 26". 35.
Crown Point Press and Stephen Thomas.
$9,500 InquireInquire

Number 16 from a series of 35 related color etchings with photoetching, engraving and drypoint in two impressions each.
11 x 22"; 11 x 22".
Crown Point Press and Lilah Toland.
$35,000 fair market value Unavailable

Number 27 from a series of 35 related color etchings with photoetching, engraving and drypoint in two impressions each.
11 x 22"; 11 x 22".
Crown Point Press and Lilah Toland.
$35,000 fair market value Unavailable

Hard ground etching printed in gray.
24¾ x 32"; 26 x 33". 10.
Crown Point Press and John Slivon.
$3,000 fair market value Unavailable

Set of eight hard ground etchings.
4 x 6"; 11¼ x 15". 10.
Crown Point Press and Kathan Brown.
$10,000 fair market value Unavailable

Set of seven mezzotints.
varies x"; varies x". 25.
Crown Point Press and Doris Simmelink.
$3,500 InquireInquire

Color photoetching printed on both sides of the paper.
3 x 6½"; 10 x 14". 35.
Crown Point Press and John Slivon.
$10,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color soft ground etching.
23¾ x 35½"; 23¾ x 35½". 50.
Crown Point Press and Renée Bott.
$8,500 InquireInquire

Color woodcut on silk mounted on rag paper.
13 x 12½"; 23 x 21½". 25.
Crown Point Press and Wang Shi Juin and Wang Lee Jio at Rong Bao Zhai Studio, Beijing.
$1,000 fair market value Unavailable

Photoetching with color aquatint, printed in black and pink.
24 x 24"; 35 x 30". 20.
Crown Point Press and Nancy Anello.
$3,000 fair market value Unavailable

Bound book of photoetchings; 40 pages.
each image 2½ x 2½"; 11 x 11". 25.
Crown Point Press and Kevin Parker.
$10,000 fair market value Unavailable

Spit bite aquatint with aquatint.
18 x 14"; 23 x 18¼". 20.
Crown Point Press and Lawrence Hamlin.
$5,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color sugar lift and spit bite aquatints with drypoint and soft ground etching.
24 x 36"; 24 x 36". 35.
Crown Point Press and Peter Pettengill.
$6,500 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Aquatint printed in blue.
24 x 36"; 33½ x 45". 10.
Crown Point Press and Peter Pettengill.
$9,500 fair market value Unavailable

Color soft ground etching with aquatint and photoetching printed on three sheets of paper.
93¼ x 22¾"; 94 x 23½". 25.
Crown Point Press and Paul Singdahlsen.
$8,500 InquireInquire

Hard ground etching.
10 x 7"; 20½ x 15¼". 35.
Crown Point Press and Lilah Toland.
$2,000 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Color soft ground etching with aquatint.
22 x 30¾"; 31 x 39". 30.
Crown Point Press and Catherine Brooks.
$10,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color woodcut.
36 x 23¾"; 41 x 28". 100.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda.
$3,500 InquireInquire

Color woodcut.
20¼ x 24¾; 20¼ x 25. 75.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda at Shi-un-do Print Shop, Kyoto.
$ 25,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color woodcut printed on silk mounted on paper.
11 x 16"; 27 x 26¼". 38.
Crown Point Press and Sun Shumei, Rong Bao Zhai studio, Beijing, China.
$5,000 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Color aquatint with hard ground etching, drypoint and spit bite aquatint.
12 x 9"; 20 x 16". 50.
Crown Point Press and Peter Pettengill.
$12,500 fair market value Unavailable

Portfolio of eight aquatints.
seven measure 12 x 15"; one measures 8 x 11"; 20 x 26¼". 25.
Crown Point Press and Peter Pettengill.
$12,000 fair market value Unavailable

Number 26 from a series of 38 related color etchings with aquatint, engraving, photoetching and drypoint.
12 x 14"; 12 x 14".
Crown Point Press and Lilah Toland.
$20,000 fair market value Unavailable

Number 22 from a series of 38 related color etchings with aquatint, engraving, photoetching and drypoint.
14 x 18"; 14 x 18".
Crown Point Press and Lilah Toland.
$20,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color aquatint.
10 x 12"; 16 x 17". 30.
Crown Point Press and Sam Carr-Prindle.
$3,000 InquireInquire

Photogravure printed in black and red on gampi paper chine collé.
21½ x 18¼"; 31 x 27½". 60.
Crown Point Press and Case Hudson.
$5,000 InquireInquire

Hard ground etching with aquatint and drypoint.
11 x 8½" ; 17 x 13½". 35.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$6,500 InquireInquire

Hard ground etching with aquatint and drypoint.
8½ x 11" ; 14½ x 16". 35.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$6,500 InquireInquire

Direct gravure printed in black and blue.
23¼ x 19½"; 28½ x 24½". 40.
Crown Point Press and Courtney Sennish.
$11,500 InquireInquire

Spit bite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé.
28 x 22"; 35¼ x 28½". 25.
Crown Point Press and Sam Carr-Prindle.
$4,000 InquireInquire

Color aquatint.
23 x 16¾"; 29¼ x 22¾". 20.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$6,000 InquireInquire

Color soft ground etching with aquatint, drypoint, and spit bite and soap ground aquatints. Shaped color gampi and ink-jet printed gampi on orange gampi paper chine collé background.
23 x 21"; 33 x 30¾". 20.
Crown Point Press and Courtney Sennish.
$2,800 InquireInquire

Spit bite aquatint printed in graphite.
5 x 11¾"; 13½ x 22". 20.
Crown Point Press and Rachel Fuller.
$1,500 InquireInquire

Color aquatint on white gampi paper chine collé.
18 x 12"; 22½ x 16". 20.
Crown Point Press and Courtney Sennish.
$2,500 InquireInquire

Color aquatint with burnishing.
12½ x 8¼"; 23½ x 18¼". 20.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$3,000 InquireInquire

Color sugar lift and spit bite aquatints with soft ground etching and aquatint.
31¼ x 23¼"; 31¼ x 23¼". 20.
Crown Point Press and Dena Schuckit.
$5,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color soft ground etching with drypoint and hand staining.
25 x 19½"; 25 x 19½". 10.
Crown Point Press and Rachel Fuller.
$5,500 Proof AvailableProof Available

Color spit bite aquatint with aquatint and soft ground etching on gampi paper chine collé.
22 x 25"; 28½ x 31". 30.
Crown Point Press and Sam Carr-Prindle.
$4,500 InquireInquire

Color sugar lift, soap ground and spit bite aquatints.
15 x 11¼"; 20¾ x 16½". 25.
Crown Point Press and Courtney Sennish.
$2,800 fair market value Unavailable

Color spit bite aquatint with aquatint and drypoint.
23½ x 14¾"; 32½ x 22¾". 20.
Crown Point Press and Catherine Brooks.
$4,500 InquireInquire

Color direct gravure with aquatint and spit bite aquatint printed on gampi paper chine collé.
15½ x 16"; 22½ x 22". 20.
Crown Point Press and Catherine Brooks.
$3,000 InquireInquire

Color photogravure.
20 x 20"; 29¼ x 28½". 10.
Crown Point Press and Asa Muir-Harmony.
$5,500 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Soft ground etching with spit bite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé.
8 x 6"; 13 x 10". 25.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$900 InquireInquire

Soft ground etching with spit bite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé.
5 x 6½"; 13 x 10". 25.
Crown Point Press and Em.
$900 InquireInquire

Soft ground etching with spit bite aquatint on gampi paper chine collé.
8 x 6"; 13 x 10". 25.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$900 InquireInquire

Color sugar lift and spit bite aquatints with soft ground etching printed on gampi paper chine collé.
16¾ x 10¾"; 24½ x 17¾". 30.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$3,500 InquireInquire

Color spit bite and sugar lift aquatints with aquatint and soft ground etching.
19¼ x 27½"; 19¼ x 27½". 50.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$3,500 InquireInquire

Aquatint on blue gampi paper chine collé.
18 x 10"; 21 x 12¾". 10.
Crown Point Press and Asa Muir-Harmony.
$3,500 InquireInquire

Color spit bite and sugar lift aquatints on gampi paper chine collé.
15 x 9½"; 22 x 15½". 15.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$3,000 InquireInquire

Set of nine photogravures printed in blue on gampi paper chine collé.
29 x 27¼"; 29 x 27¼". 10.
Crown Point Press and Emily York.
$4,500 InquireInquire

Color photogravure on gampi paper chine collé.
23½ x 19¼"; 32½ x 27½". 15.
Crown Point Press and Dena Schuckit.
$3,000 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Color aquatint with flat bite toner transfer.
16 x 13"; 25 x 22". 15.
Crown Point Press and Sam Carr-Prindle.
$3,000 InquireInquire

Color soap ground aquatint with aquatint and soft ground etching on blue gampi paper chine collé.
13 x 14"; 20 x 20". 20.
Crown Point Press and Sam Carr-Prindle.
$3,500 InquireInquire

Spit bite aquatint with color aquatint and direct gravure.
20 x 24"; 30½ x 34". 25.
Crown Point Press and Case Hudson.
$5,500 InquireInquire

Soap ground and spit bite aquatints.
45 x 23"; 53¼ x 30". 20.
Crown Point Press and Brian Shure.
$15,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color aquatint with spit bite aquatint, soft ground etching and drypoint.
24 x 16"; 35¾ x 26½". 85.
Crown Point Press and Renée Bott.
$65,500 fair market value Unavailable

Soap ground aquatint with drypoint.
15¾ x 11¾"; 26½ x 20½". 30.
Crown Point Press and Daria Sywulak.
$2,000 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Photogravure with color spit bite aquatint.
24 x 14"; 33 x 22". 25.
Crown Point Press and Lothar Osterburg.
$5,500 fair market value Unavailable

Color hard ground etching with drypoint.
8½ x 11"; 15¾ x 17½". 50.
Crown Point Press and Lawrence Hamlin.
$9,000 fair market value Unavailable

Photogravure with soft ground etching and aquatint printed in yellow.
9 x 13½"; 16 x 20". 45.
Crown Point Press and Daria Sywulak.
$1,500 InquireInquire

One in a series of 57 unique prints with drypoint, aquatint, and hard and soft ground etching on smoked paper.
7½ x 8½"; 7½ x 8½".
Crown Point Press and Pamela Paulson.
$15,000 fair market value Unavailable

One in a series of 57 unique prints with drypoint, aquatint, and hard and soft ground etching on smoked paper.
7½ x 8½"; 7½ x 8½".
Crown Point Press and Pamela Paulson.
$15,000 fair market value Unavailable

A series of 30 unique color spit bite and sugar lift aquatints with hard ground and soft ground etching.
9½ x 24"; 15 x 29¼".
Crown Point Press and Case Hudson.
$2,800 InquireInquire

Color woodcut.
8 x 26"; 12 x 30". 100.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda at Shi-un-do Print Shop, Kyoto.
$7,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color woodcut.
14 x 20"; 16¾ x 22½". 200.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda at Shi-un-do Print Shop, Kyoto.
$8,500 fair market value Unavailable

Color woodcut.
9½ x 13"; 21¾ x 17¾". 200.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda.
$3,000 InquireInquire

Color woodcut.
24¾ x 21¼"; 31¼ x 25¼". 150.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda at Shi-un-do Print Shop, Kyoto.
$15,000 fair market value Unavailable

Color woodcut.
9½ x 10½"; 17 x 16½". 200.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda at Shi-un-do Print Shop, Kyoto.
$4,000 InquireInquire

Color woodcut.
18 x 24"; 22¾ x 28". 100.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda at Shi-un-do Print Shop, Kyoto.
$4,800 fair market value Unavailable

Woodcut printed in red on silk mounted on rag paper.
12½ x 14½"; 22½ x 23½". 30.
Crown Point Press and Xu Yinshe.
$7,000 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Color woodcut.
29 x 21"; 29 x 21". 100.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda.
$3,000 InquireInquire

Color woodcut printed on silk mounted on rag paper.
11 x 15"; 20½ x 23". 26.
Crown Point Press and Fong Da Jin, Tao Hua Wu Shop, Suzhou, China.
$2,500 fair market value Proof AvailableProof Available

Color woodcut.
21 x 17½"; 25 x 21". 200.
Crown Point Press and Tadashi Toda.
$7,000 fair market value Unavailable